Category Archives: Sermons

21st June 2020 – [1] Walking together with Jesus – Re-start! – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Mark 1:1-8
Walking together with Jesus: Re-start!

Sermon Points

  1. Our story begins with meeting Jesus
  2. Its always good news to be with Jesus!
  3. To be with Jesus = to be with the Supreme Lord, God!
  4. Jesus brings us the gift of new life in the age to come
  5. By bringing us to a complete new direction through his accepting us

Discussion Questions

  1. How will the fact the Jesus who is with us as the almighty Lord who supernaturally intervenes in human lives shape our prayer life together this week? 
  2. How will our attitudes to ourselves and one another be shaped this week, by the presence of the supreme Lord Jesus in our midst as our senior partner in what we’re thinking, saying, doing? 
  3. Why is it necessary for us to accept our own badness or that done to us as Jesus has accepted us before we can be changed and healed of it? 

14th June 2020 – Pentecost in Pandemic 3 – Pentecostal Proclamation – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Exodus 20:1-6; Deuteronomy 6:4-5;  1 Corinthians 8:4-6; Isaiah 44:1-5
Pentecost in Pandemic 3 : Pentecostal Proclamation

Sermon Points

Pentecost means:

  1. One enthusiastic conversion will flow after another! 
  2. To new life, with all things under God
  3. And to belonging with us as God’s people
  4. A time to start over!! Reset! 

Discussion Questions

  1. Who has God put in your life right now to befriend, pray for and share Jesus’ life, love and message with? 
  2. What challenges you in living every moment under the Lordship of Christ? 
  3. What fresh ways is God giving you and us together to be God’s family in these days? 

7th June 2020 – Pentecost in Pandemic 2: Pentecostal Pouring – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Isaiah 44:1-5
Pentecost in Pandemic 2: Pentecostal Pouring

Sermon Points

Pentecostal Pouring:

  1. Plants the miracle of new life in Jesus in the believer!  
  2. Confirms God’s loving grace in the believer! 
  3. Refreshes the thirsty believer with love that casts out fear 
  4. Enlivens the DNA of new life in Jesus in the believer that is designed to multiply 

Discussion Questions

  1. How would you describe your experience of being refreshed by Jesus’ living water? 
  2. What could it look like as God pours out his Spirit on the dry spiritually dead international community in Bremen and Bremerhaven? 
  3. What are your next steps in sharing the new life of Jesus he has planted in you with others?

31th May 2020 – Pentecostal People – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Isaiah 44:1-5; Ephesians 1:3-14
Pentecost in Pandemic 1: Pentecostal People

Sermon Points

Pentecostal people are:

  1. Crooked made straight 
  2. Chosen in Christ 
  3. Caused by the Lord 
  4. Created in pre sin design (from the womb)
  5. Comforted by the Spirit  

Questions For Discussion In Families Or Online Groups

  1. What do you think our being addressed by Good as “my chosen servant” means for us as a church? 
  2. What refreshing “life giving” experiences have you had of being church together with others? 
  3. What possible leads do you see where God might want to spring church up next in and among you and your connections? 

24th May 2020 – the Good Works that flow from Hope – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Titus 2:14; Luke 14;1,12-14,
Perspective Hope 5: the Good Works that flow from Hope

Sermon Points

  1. Connect with the zealot in you…!! Titus 2:14
  2. To do good works of love to everyone Titus 2:14
  3. Be focused, not afraid – Luke 14:14
  4. Flow with the hope of your reward to come in heaven…! Luke  14:14
  5. And the cleansed heart given you by the Lord to whom you belong Titus 2:14 

Questions For Discussion In Families Or Online Groups

  1. How can we better connect with Jesus’ zeal in us to do good works of love?
  2. How can we help meet one another’s needs for worship, fellowship and learning from God’s Word in this pandemic?
  3. In what ways can we continue to grow as a church in the pandemic time?

17th May 2020 – Growth from Hope – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Isaiah 43:1; 1 Peter:1:14-16; Titus 2:11-14,
Perspective: Hope! 4: Growth from hope

Sermon Points

  1. Trained by grace – becoming like Jesus
  2. Motivated by hopeful expectations – expecting the full glory to come in Jesus
  3. Delivered by ultimate belonging – redeemed by and purified for Jesus

Questions For Discussion In Families Or Online Groups

  1. How have you found the Lord training and enabling you to say no to worldliness and yes to godliness in your relationships with yourself, others and himself?
  2. How has the hope of all the blessings to come when Jesus returns motivated you in this growth process of becoming more holy?
  3. What difference has it made it your life to know you belong to him, because he has redeemed you?

3 May 2020 – The God In Whom We Place Our Hope – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

1 Peter 1:13-21
Isaiah 51:17-23
“Perspective Hope! 3: The God In Whom We Place Our Hope”

  1. What hinders our living hope in Christ alone? — misplaced hopes. 
  2. Who has saved us for living hope in Christ alone? — God himself, by the blood of Christ.
  3. How does God stimulate us to living hope in Christ alone? — “wake up, stand up, do it!”


  1. When has God revealed to you a misplaced hope that has caused torment in your life?  
  2. How has the Lord changed your life through his call to repent, and put your hope in Christ alone?
  3. How has God strengthened you in very tough circumstances through living hope in Christ alone?

26 April 2020 – The Goal of hope – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

1 Peter 1:3-13, 20-21
“The Goal of hope – the return of Jesus that puts all things into perspective”

  1. Jesus’ return is the goal to look towards in the journey of life, that puts everything in true perspective. 
  2. Making Jesus’ future physical return our goal releases indescribable joy in us now because of being in his loving presence already.
  3. What God is doing now – is testing and growing our faith and hope in Jesus’ return.


  1. How does looking forward to the second coming of Christ give perspective for your life in the present? 
  2. How has God strengthened your faith through allowing testing trials in your life? 
  3. How does preparing our minds for action, and being sober-minded, help us to set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ (v13)? 

19 April 2020 – The Ground of Real hope – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

1 Peter 1:3-25, especially verses 3, 13, 21
“The Ground of Real hope – the Resurrection of Jesus Christ”

  1. In Christ we are given living hope 
    • Living hope is certain and real
    • Living hope is the hallmark of our new life in Jesus
  2. Living hope is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ
    • The resurrection makes all things possible…
    • in particular the new birth of the believer.


  1. How is God at work in your life through this pandemic? 
  2. What is he saying to you through it? 
  3. How is your faith and hope in Jesus Christ growing? 

Easter Sunday 2020; Peace to You; Paul Grinyer

Category : Sermons

Luke 24:36-49

  1. The risen Christ brings peace to those who are seeking answers, who are startled and frightened about unknowns.
  2. This peace centres around eternal perspective – the reality of Christ’s risen physical body means that life beyond the grave is physical as well as spiritual.
  3. The risen Christ uses the Holy Scriptures to bring his life and peace to us as he confirms resurrection hope (The Easter miracle, both of his resurrection 2000 years ago and our receiving his new life now is the fulfilment of holy Scripture prophecy). 
  4. This includes his call right now through his Word to all of us to “repentance for the forgiveness of sins”  (he enables us to repent and believe in him).


  1. What difference does it make to you to know the fact of Christ’s bodily resurrection? 
  2. How has God changed your life through enabling you to change your perception of him (repentance and faith)? 
  3. How can we help each other be well in tune with the Lord’s agenda to use us to proclaim Jesus with saving results through the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit?