21st June 2020 – [1] Walking together with Jesus – Re-start! – Pastor Paul

21st June 2020 – [1] Walking together with Jesus – Re-start! – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Mark 1:1-8
Walking together with Jesus: Re-start!

Sermon Points

  1. Our story begins with meeting Jesus
  2. Its always good news to be with Jesus!
  3. To be with Jesus = to be with the Supreme Lord, God!
  4. Jesus brings us the gift of new life in the age to come
  5. By bringing us to a complete new direction through his accepting us

Discussion Questions

  1. How will the fact the Jesus who is with us as the almighty Lord who supernaturally intervenes in human lives shape our prayer life together this week? 
  2. How will our attitudes to ourselves and one another be shaped this week, by the presence of the supreme Lord Jesus in our midst as our senior partner in what we’re thinking, saying, doing? 
  3. Why is it necessary for us to accept our own badness or that done to us as Jesus has accepted us before we can be changed and healed of it?