Welcome to the website of IBC Bremen!
We are a church family from around 30 nations gathering together in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the English language.
We are here in Bremen for many different reasons. For example some of us come to study for a few months or years, others to work in local companies for a while, and others have settled permanently in Germany through marriage or other reasons. Still others are local Germans who have an international perspective through having lived overseas for a while, or simply have been called by God to be part of us.
So wherever you are at on your life’s journey, and for however long you will be in Bremen, you are most welcome to join in our activities and life together!
Our city centre location 3-5 minutes walk from the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) is a great hub for our Sunday worship services and other activities. We also meet informally for friendship, fellowship and Bible study in people’s homes in and around the whole of the Bremen area, and are in the process of developing more of this in the areas we live.
We are keen to:
- worship the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ together
- love one another in the love with which he has loved us
- encourage one another in enjoying the freedom of his new life that he has graciously shared with us through his supremely loving self sacrifice for us on the cross
- growing in Christlikeness as we live out the righteousness he has made ours, all through his gracious gift of faith.
- spur one another on in hearing and obeying his call on each of us to be part of his global project to make disciples of all nations
- help one another find and do the assignments God has prepared in advance for us to do in collaboration with him.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Yours warmly in Christ!