28 June 2020 – [2] Walking together with Jesus – In the forgiveness of sins – Pastor Paul

28 June 2020 – [2] Walking together with Jesus – In the forgiveness of sins – Pastor Paul

Category : Sermons

Mark 1:1-8
Walking together with Jesus: in the forgiveness of sins

Sermon Points

  1. Makes sense of our yearning for heaven 
  2. Is the secure state we are born again into in Christ 
  3. Gives us an honest relationship with ourselves 
  4. Gives us a humble relationship with others 
  5. Gives us a healed relationship with God

Discussion Questions

  1. How would you explain the difference between God’s hating the sin but loving the sinner?
  2. How can we accept our bad sides without accepting our wrong doing?
  3. How does accepting the fact of our bad side (confessing our sinful nature) actually become a vital step in our healing and changing to be more like Jesus?